Mr WAN Jing

Soutenance de thèse de Mr Jing WAN

Dispositifs innovants à pente sous le seuil abrupte : du TEFT au Z²-FET.
MERCREDI 23 JUILLET  2012  à 14h

Résumé de Thèse:
This thesis is dedicated to conceiving and studying sharp switching devices, including the tunneling field-effect-transistor (TFET) and a new feedback device (Z2-FET), for low power logic and memory applications.
We have investigated TFETs with various gate oxides, channel materials and structures for enhancing the drive current (ION) and reducing leakage (ILEAK).
A new class of TFET (BET-FET: bipolar enhanced tunneling FET) combining
tunneling and bipolar amplification is developed showing excellent performances, with ION > 4000 A/m and SS <60 mV/dec over 7 decades of current.
We also conceived and demonstrated a new device named the Z2-FET (zero subthreshold swing and zero impact ionization), which exhibits extremely sharp switching with SS < 1 mV/dec, ION/IOFF ~ 109, gate-controlled hysteresis and scalability down to 20 nm. The Z2-FET is used for capacitorless 1-T DRAM with supply voltage down to 1.1 V, retention time up to 5.5 s and access speed reaching 1 ns.


Thèse préparée dans les laboratoires IMEP-LAHC et CEA-LETI, sous la direction conjointe de M.Sorin CRISTOLOVEANU, Alex ZASLAVSKY et Cyrille LE ROYER.
Infos date
Soutenance de M.Jing WAN pour une thèse de DOCTORAT de l'Université de Grenoble, spécialité Nanoélectronique et Nanotechnologies intitulée :


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