CRESTI Alessandro

Site de Grenoble - Bâtiment BCAi A290
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Activités / CV

Alessandro Cresti received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Pisa (Italy) in 2001 and 2006, respectively. During the Ph.D. and the first two years of the postdoctoral period with Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, he developed theory and full-quantum simulation tools for the investigation of electronic transport in nanostructures, with focus on 2D electron-gas-based systems. In 2008, he moved to LETI/CEA in Grenoble (France), where his research was mainly devoted to the simulation of graphene-based devices. Since June 2010, he has been working with IMEP-LaHC, first as postdoc and from 2011 as CNRS researcher from 2011.
His interests concentrate on the simulation of quantum electronic transport in low-dimensional systems, with a particular focus on 2D materials and innovative semiconductor devices. At IMEP-LaHC, he heads the transverse activity “Modelling and simulation” of the CMNE research group.
A complete publication list is here.