PhD student
Site de Grenoble - Bâtiment BCAi A306,
3 Parvis Louis Néel - Minatec
CS 50257
38016 CEDEX 1
Contact e-mail
Advanced nanocomposites materials as a solution for the development of flexible transparent electronics
FunSURF (LMGP) - CMNE (CROMA)Direction: Jean-Luc Deschanvres (LMGP) and Frédérique Ducroquet (CROMA)
Co-supervision: Céline Ternon
Development of an innovative NanoNet-based nanocomposite material for the development of new efficient transparent flexible and conductive P-type thin films as a key step towards the manufacturing of transparent flexible electronic products.
Activités / CV
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxime-hanauer-875a7a254
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-0334-2172
Previous laboratories
May 2024 - Oct 2024: Internship at ICube (MATISEN Team) and IPCMS (DCMI) - Strasbourg
Material for Energy: Silicon Clathrates Thin FilmsSupervised by Thomas Fix (ICube) and Aziz Dinia (IPCMS)
February 2024 - May 2024: Internship at IRCER - Limoges
Nanocomposite architecture for ultrasensitive biosensingSupervised by Corinne Champeaux, Frédéric Dumas-Bouchiat and Manon Gireau