Micro Nano Electronic Devices (CMNE)

Headed by : Quentin RAFHAY Quentin RAFHAY

Research activity in the MNE group focuses on electronic devices for future applications.


The aim is to prepare future generations of transistors and memory devices and to explore in parallel alternative routes based on new materials or new device concepts that could replace present CMOS or complement it by adding new functions on-chip.

The team is very active at European level. It is organized along 4 axes which are strongly consistent with European research priorities in nanoelectronics.

Research directions

  • Ultimate CMOS and alternative technologies which explores the frontiers of Silicon integrated microelectronics
  • Nanostructures and integrated systems which evaluates the potential of nanostructures for increased integrated circuits functionality.
  • Simulation & Modelling transverse activity which works in close interaction with the two actions above.
  • Superconducting electronics which explores the potential of RSFQ (Rapid Single Flux Quantum) devices and circuits, at the interface with the RFM and PHOTO activities.


The group has built for years a renowned expertise in devices physics, by combining experimental and theoretical approaches. Its contributions range from physical modelling of devices to the proposal of new device concepts, including detailed analysis of device operation, electron transport and interface properties, as well as the development of new experimental techniques or simulation tools adapted to the nanometre scale.

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