
PHOtonics Terahertz and Optoelectronics (PHOTO)

Headed by : Jean-François ROUX

The PHOTO team works on research topics covering the part of the electromagnetic spectrum from THz to visible and focuses on the design and manufacture of optical devices.

Research activities are organized around 3 axes, which are based on the team's strong and recognized skills:

  1. The Integrated Photonic Sensors axis aims at producing devices based on four elementary building blocks: laser sources, optical detection, integrated optical functions on glass, and optical interaction with an analyte. This activity is supported by a technological platform on glass that is unique in France and also benefits from a recognized expertise in optical simulation.
  2. The Characterization of THz materials and devices axis is based on characterization skills, experience in generation and detection, and a desire to develop new functions for the THz. An open THz characterization platform strengthens this activity and allows many national and international collaborations.
  3. The transverse axis Opto-electronic Techniques and Devices

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