CROMA-rubrique-presentation 2022

Clubs and Research Workgroups

The  Cluster 1 of  Rhône-Alps Region assembles the regional community of some laboratories around the topic "nanosciences, nanotechnologies, microelectronics".
Participation of  IMEP-LAHC to the steering committee of this cluster, and scientific coordination of topics «Micro- and Nanoelectronics components »,  and « System-on-Chip (RF, communicative dusts...) ».

This workgroup gathers research teams of many laboratories aiming to develop electronic components and elementary cells as part of circuits dedicated to information processing for the future. It covers all that concerns design, simulation tools, fabrication and characterization of components and  elementary cells or their combination. It is  divided into of four vertical actions (IV-IV, III-V, single-electron e-molecular, spintronics) and four transversal actions (technology/materials, packaging/interconnections, characterization, architectures).
The action IV-IV materials" is led by a researcher of our laboratory and the  scientific workshops of this workgroup have been many times organized in Grenoble.


Participation to workgroup on UWB (Ultra Wide Band). This group aims at  studying  fundamental aspects of UWB communication technologies (system architecture, UWB antennas,  propagation, system analysis), and at defining possible application fields and collaborations between industrial and academic partners. 

Participation to ULB training programme (October 2006, ESISAR - Valence) and to work meetings (Paris and  Grenoble).

WORKGROUP on TERAHERTZ  "Sensors and Terahertz radiating semiconductor sources " (GDR CNRS 2897).
This workgroup stimulates collaborations between twenty European laboratories all working in the domain of semiconductors for THz wave technologies.

Participation to action « intelligent ambiance »

GDR SoC-SiP   (System on Chip - System in Package)
Participation to discussions on reconfigurability.

A researcher of  IMEP-LAHC is member of the  administration council of SFO.

Participation  to « Management Team », of l'ENIAC Scientific Community Council, to workgroups related to domain More-Moore /CMOS and to  infrastructures of  European research.

Association created by European industrials.
One researcher of IMEP represents Grenoble INP in this structure which aims are  to establish the « Joint Technology Initiative (JTI)» to fund European projects in complement to Framework Programme (joint funds from European Commission +States +Industrials)

Two members of IMEP-LAHC are part of the Orientation and Evaluation Committee of cluster on Micro-Nano belonging to pole of competitiveness Minalogic. Organization and animation of meetings for evaluation of projects submitted to this cluster, minutes elaboration, communications to project leaders.. are common tasks. The worldwide pole of competitiveness Minalogic animates and structures in  the region Grenoble-Isère  one  major innovation group of abilities specialized in creation, elaboration and production of products and services related to miniaturized intelligent solutions for industry. It stands on synergy between micro-nanotechnologies and embedded intelligent software. 

Pole on Optics in Rhône-Alpes
This pole regroups roughly all actors in optics and photonics in Rhône-Alps region : all universities, large institutions (CEA, CNRS...), and about one hundred of industrials. It aims at reinforcing relations between laboratories and industrials, at developing technological platforms in Saint Etienne region and coordinating research and development of optical technologies in Rhône-Alps region through organization of seminars and dissemination of an information letter.
Two researchers are involved in the administration of this pole and as member of the  administration council. 

European Association which objectives are to foster superconductor electronics in Europe. It is the platform for development of many projects of which S-PULSE and has many partners in France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Netherlands.
One researcher of IMEP-LAHC is  member of the Steering Commitee.


Association for Radiation, Measurements and Rapid Imaging which includes a club "Teranaute" an gathers one tenth of French academic laboratories, large institutions and industrials working in the domain of Terahertz waves. ARMIR, came from club ECRIN (CNRS-CEA) and organizes every two years  « Seminar on  THz », and members of  club Teranaute have co-authored a book entitled " Terahertz Optoelectronics ", EDP Sciences (2008), published under the direction of a  researcher of IMEP-LAHC. ARMIR is associated to Collège de Polytechnique, which aims are to contribute to professional development  of people, teams and organizations.