ISIS was a FP6-IST Network of Excellence integrating all expertise from 19 institutions among which 4 industrial centers. ISIS aimed at reinforcing scientific European excellence in low optical cost solutions for broadband access and allowed merging of wireless and photonics technologies for future wireless deployment (2006-2008).
Scientific and financial coordination.
This FP6-IST Project on SOI Technologies, devices and circuits regrouped 30 European partners (2005-2007).
This FP6-IST thematic network started in 2008, gathers 6 European partners around activities specific to SOI technologies SOI and set-up of a European platform for low voltage proper to SOI technologies.
This FP6-IST Integrated Project, gathered 23 partners, Integrated Circuit fabricants, industrial research institutions, universities, small and medium enterprises (SME), all having research and development activities for the bottleneck of logic CMOS technology in 45 nm scale aiming at anticipating evolution towards next 32 nm scale (2004-2007).
Coordination of a sub-project, representative of CNRS.
Nanonets2Sense project (RIA 2016-2019 n° 688329)
Nanonet-based sensors for medical applications
FMNT- Grenoble INP is coordinating an EU Horizon 2020 project on the 3D CMOS integration of nanonet-based sensors for medical applications. Research will focus on using model molecules to evaluate the potential of applications like breath analysis for diabetes monitoring, and circulating tumour DNA detection for cancer monitoring. The research outcomes targeted by this project are technology focused. FMNT is already making and studying nanonets, which are made from random networks of crystalline nanowires. The project must determine whether these nanonets can be integrated onto CMOS circuits in a way that meets compactness, efficiency, and cost demands, as anticipated by the researchers.
The nanonets will be integrated by KTH in Sweden or by FMNT-Grenoble INP above a conditioning and readout circuit fabricated by ams AG in Austria or above a micro-heating platform from Cambridge CMOS Sensors in the UK. The Sinano Institute in France will provide project management.
Coordinator: Mireille Mouis
NANOSIL (follow-up of Sinano)
This FP6-IST Network of Excellence has 29 partners from de 12 European countries. Its aim is to maintain, for the next 30 years scientific European excellence in technical public research and to ensure dissemination of knowledge. It covers areas like materials, nanolectronic silicon components for integrated Tera devices.
Scientific coordination.
The FP5-IST Project « Network of Excellence on broadband Fiber Radio Techniques and its Integration Technologies », gathered 27 participants form 9 different countries (2002-2005).
Scientific and financial coordination.
PULLNANO (follow-up of project NANOCMOS)
This FP6-IST Network of Excellence has 38 partners from de 11 European countries (2008-2010). PULLNANO aims at developing advanced knowledge to allow European fabricants of integrated circuits to maintain their activity over the worldwide microelectronics market from 2010, when the CMOS technology of 32 nm scale should be commercially available.
Coordination of a sub-project, representative of CNRS.
This FP6-IST Network of Excellence regrouped 41 partners from 16 European countries. Its aim was to reinforce scientific and technological European excellence in the domain of nano-devices on silicon (2004-2007).
Scientific coordination.
Scientific Association created in 2008, regrouping main European actors of the scientific community in Nanoelectronics.
Coordinator : F. Balestra
This is a "Support Action" of IST-FP7, aiming at promoting superconductive electronics. In the framework of FLUXONICS, it is funded over period 2008-2010, gathers 15 partners from France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands and South Africa. It aims are to organize a coherent community in Europe and to develop infrastructures for promotion of superconductive electronics, in pointing out miniaturization in this technology, under the Roadmap ITRS for a mature technology dedicated to ultra-fast electronics for the future.
One researcher is member of the Management Board.
This FP6-IST project aims at developing a passive inspection system for applications to security. It is based on THz imaging and gathers 21 partners (2007-2010).
One researcher is member of the Management Board.
FP6-IST specific targeted research project (STREP) with 9 partners from 7 European countries and 2 Israeli (among which 5 academics, 2 research centers, 1 industrial and 1 SME).
It aimed at developing ultra wide band optical links (UWB) for insertion and extraction of UWB signals with coverage extension through innovative microwave-photonics and low cost devices and systems (2006-2008).
Partner coordinating two tasks out of eight.