CROMA-rubrique-emploi 2022

Thesis topics

CMNE Group : Devices in High fRequencies for sustainable Electronics And for complex systeMS

Alternative methods based on dynamic detection  for a new generation of ISFET-like biosensors in graphene  
by  Irina IONICA

Simulation, fabrication and characterization of transparent piezoelectric transducers based on ZnO nanowires 
by Gustavo ARDILA

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DHREAMS Group : Devices in High fRequencies for sustainable Electronics And for complex systeMS

Development and implementation of microwave characterization techniques for molding resins used in 3D integrated circuit packaging
by Gregory HOUZET &Thierry LACREVAZ

PHOTO Group : PHOtonics Terahertz and Optoelectronics

Development of methods for characterization and modeling of complex media in the THz domain
by Frédéric GARET

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Arbitrary THz waveforms generator for Quantum Electronics applications
by Jean-François ROUX

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