HDR "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" DEFENSE of Frédéric GARET

An inventory of the THz time-domain spectroscopy, 25 years after ...
Friday,  November 8th, 2019  at 10:00
The THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) knew a rapid development due mainly because of the appearance of commercial femtosecond pulse laser in the late 1990s. First focused on the development of the tool and for materials characterization in the typical bandwidth from 100 GHz to a several THz, the research then extended, in the 2000s, to the characterization of devices then cruelly missing in this frequency range. Since then, the number of laboratories interested in this technique, and more generally in this frequency domain, has increased exponentially, concerning ever more numerous scientific fields ranging from physics, chemistry and biology to other more applicable for non-destructive testing, the detection of "sensitive substances"... In this context, I will present a review of my research since the construction of the first THz-TDS setup and the measurement of the first signal in 1995, up to my more recent works, some of them being more applicative, like for example to propose a solution for identification of products in the THz range and based on THID tags.

  • M. Didier LIPPENS, Professor, IEMN, Lille: Reviewer
  • Mme, Juliette MANGENEY, Research Director CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique de l’ENS, Paris: Reviewer
  • M. Gaël MOURET, Professor, LPCA, Dunkerque: Reviewer
  • M. Patrick MOUNAIX,  Research Director CNRS, IMS, Bordeaux : Member
  • M. Frédéric, TEPPE, Research Director CNRS, IES, Montpellier : Member
  • M. Jean-Louis COUTAZ, Professor, IMEP-LAHC, Le Bourget du Lac : Member

Date infos
Defense of the application " Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" of Frédéric GARET entitled :
Location infos
Amphi 1, IUT /Campus scientifique
73370 Le Bourget du Lac.