HDR "Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches" DEFENSE of Quentin RAFHAY

Modelling and characterization of MOSFET, memories and photovoltaïc devices.
Tuesday, November 5th, 2019  at 2pm
Abstarct :
Transistors scaling and increasing circuit complexity have been the core of the constant improvement of microelectronics applications for almost 60 years. Those industrial innovations have been followed by intense academic research in electron device physics, which aims to understand phenomena at stake in the operation of those devices. However, MOSFET scaling is slowing down due to their nanometric dimensions. The semiconductor industry is thus pushed to rethink its development strategies. In its path, research in electron device physics goes through the same evolution regarding its role and the aims of its studies. In this fast evolving framework, the work that I have carried out since 2010 will be exposed, detailing the modelling and characterization studies of MOSFET, non-volatile memories and photovoltaic cells.

Jury members:
  • M. Mustapha LEMITI, University Professor , INSA Lyon, Lyon: Reviewer
  • M. Philippe DOLLFUS, Research Director, CNRS, Paris Sud: Reviewer
  • M. Jean-Michel PORTAL, Univerity Professor, Université Aix-Marseille, Marseille: Reviewer
  • M. Gérard GHIBAUDO, Research Director, CNRS, Grenoble: Examiner (Garant d’HDR)
  • M. Jean-Emmanuel BROQUIN, Univeristy Professor, Grenoble INP, Grenoble: Examiner

Date infos
Defense of the application " Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" of RAFHAY Quentin entitled:
Location infos
Amphi M001/ PHELMA
3 Parvis Louis Néel
38016 Grenoble