Design of an antenna system using Air-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide (AFSIW) technology

Jingwen ZHANG
Monday, October 18th, 2021 at 1pm
The development of high-speed wireless communications dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile telephony or even satellite links has increased sharply in recent years. In this context, the Air-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide is a promising alternative technology which makes it possible to ensure the compatibility with planar technologies, and at the same time, to limit the cost, size and weight of the systems. In addition, it drastically reduces the dielectric losses associated with propagation.
This seminar will propose a design of an antenna system based on AFSIW technology on Ka band, which would make it possible to "revisit" the usual 2D structures, and then consider so-called vertical structures, with assembly of the components on the vertical plane. This system contains the vertical transition, the multilayer filter and LNA.


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