17 Thesis defended in 2010
Modélisation du transport quantique dans les dispositifs ultimes
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC, supervised by Mrs Mireille MOUIS and Mr Marco PALA

Etude et réalisation d'un spectromètre compact en optique intégrée sur verre
Thesis prepared in the laboratoiry IMEP-LAHC, supervised by Mr Pierre BENECH and Mr Alain MORAND
Impact de la géométrie dans les mémoires non-volatiles à piégeages discrets.
Thesis prepared in the laboratory CEA-LETI MINATEC, supervised by Mr GHIBAUDO Gérard .

Substrats et dispositifs avancés sur Germanium-sur-Isolant (GeOI): Caractérisation, Modélisation et Simulation
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC, supervised by Mr Sorin CRISTOLOVEANU
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC, supervised by Mr Sorin CRISTOLOVEANU

Elaboration et caractérisation large bande de matériaux à forte permittivité en structure " MIM "
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC, supervised by Mr Bernard FLECHET.

Mr CADIX Lionel defended her thesis on Thursday, Nov 18
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC, supervised by Mr Bernard FLECHET and Mr Cédric BERMOND

Etude de l'auto-organisation des copolymères à blocs pour la réalisation de nanofils silicium .
Thesis prepared in the laboratory LTM, supervised by Mr Thierry Baron and Mr Laurent Montès . .

Etude de la conduction électrique dans les diélectriques à forte permittivité utilisés en microélectronique .
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC and CEA-LETI Minatec, supervised by Mr Raphaël CLERC and MrCharles LEROUX .

Thesis prepared in tke laboratory IMEP-LAHC supervised by Mr Jean -Michel FOURNIER and Philippe BENECH

Thesis prepared in the laboratory LFTC ( Laboratoire de Transfert de Films et de Circuits ) and IMEP-LAHC supervised by Mrs Panagiota MORFOULI.

Thesis prepared in the laboratory CEA-Leti supervised by Mr Jalal JOMAAH (IMEP-LAHC) and Mr Olivier ROZEAU ( CEA/Leti)
Transmission de signaux Ultra Large Bande par voie optique dans la gamme de fréquences 57-66 GHz.
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC supervised by Mrs Béatrice CABON and Mr Julien POETTE
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC supervised by Mrs Béatrice CABON and Mr Julien POETTE

Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC supervised by Mrs Florence PODEVIN and Mr Pascal XAVIER .

Intégration verticale d'une fonction dichroïque en optique intégrée sur verre : Application à un duplexeur pompe/signal pour amplificateur optique hybride.
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC supervised by Mr Jean-Emmanuel BROQUIN and Mrs Elise GHIBAUDO

Impact of mechanical stress on nanostructures for NEMS application
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC supervised by Mr Laurent MONTES and Mrs Panogiota MORFOULI.

Étude du travail de sortie dans les transistors High-k à grille Métallique
Thesis prepared in the laboratory IMEP-LAHC and CEA-LETI supervised by Mr Gérard GHIBAUDO and Mr Charles LEROUX