PhD Defense of BOSSUET Alice

«Integration of in situ solutions for power characterization of HBT transistor in 55 nm BiCMOS technology beyond 130 GHz»
Monday, march  20th,  2017 at 14:30

The evolution of silicon technologies now makes possible the development of many applications in the millimeter and submillimeter areas such as imaging systems for health and safety, and high speed communication systems. The evolution of these silicon technologies is characterized by the increase of the transistor performances with the frequency that requires the development of efficient radiofrequency measurement tools for accurate modeling of active components or the optimization of integrated circuits.
In this framework, the load-pull characterization is an essential method to model the behavior of transistors in nonlinear region. In the G Band [140-220 GHz], the classical measurement environment typically available has not the required performance for this kind of characterization due to the losses in the accesses to the device under test. The aim of this thesis is to lift this lock by offering, in the STMicroelectronics BiCMOS 55 nm technology, a fully integrated load-pull characterization bench on silicon in order to be as close as possible to the device to characterize. The thesis manuscript is divided into four chapters.
  • The first chapter presents the state of the art of the currently available instrumentation for power characterization at millimeter wave frequencies band and their limitations, which leads to the G band characterization bench specifications.
  • The second chapter details the design and characterization of the mains blocks constituting the integrated bench: the impedance synthesizer and the mmw power source.
  • The third chapter present the design and characterization of the power detector.
  • Finally, the fourth chapter presents the complete bench and its application with the G band load-pull characterization of a transistor bipolar device.
Members of jury :
- Christophe GAQUIERE, Professor University Lille1: Supervisor
- Estelle LAUGA-LARROZE, Assistant professor IMEP-LaHC : Co-supervisor
- Jean-Michel FOURNIER, Professor IMEP-LaHC:
- Patrice GAMAND, Resp DAS Electronic Hyperfrequency-Pole RLH: Reviewer

- Thierrry TARIS, Professor-IMS : Reviewer
- Mathieu LE PIPEC, Engineer DGA: Member
Engineer ST Microelectronics: Guest
- Stéphane ROCHETTE, Resp fiability Thales Alenia Space: Guest
- Daniel GLORIA,
Engineer ST Microelectronics: Guest


Thesis prepared in ST Microelectronics supervised by Christophe GAQUIERE (IEMN Lille) and co-supervised by  Estelle LAUGA LARROZE & Jean-Michel FOURNIER (IMEP-LaHC) .

Date infos
Thesis defense of BOSSUET Alice, for a doctoral thesis of the University of Grenoble Alps, speciality " NANO ELECTRONICS & NANO TECHNOLOGIES ", entitled:
Location infos
Amphi M001 Phelma/Minatec
3 rue parvis Louis Néel
38016 Grenoble cedex1