PhD Defense of Furat ABAYAJE

«Wireless Baseband Transmission for short distance digital communication with circuits placed at cryogenic temperature »
Monday, March 13rd, 2017 at 13:30

A solution is to transmit the signals with a wireless emitting-receiving antenna set with a suitable bandwidth. This work examines several wireless baseband transmission systems in a short distance configuration, associated to the distance between the cryogenic and room temperature stages, for data rates in the range of a few Gbps.
It elaborates on four crucial issues:
•    the choice and study of the proper line codes to be used for baseband transmission of digital signals without the need for analogue modulations, such as Polar Return-to-Zero and Manchester encodings ;
•    the study and selection of ultra-wide bandwidth antennas with a focus on small size Antipodal Vivaldi Antennas and monopole antennas to meet cryogenic constraints ;
•    The study of the Bit Error Rate (BER) of the transmitting system. Two methods were developed to recover the digital output signals and minimize the BER.
•    The comparison between simulations and measurements to assess the performance of the overall system.
Key words :
Manchester encoding, Polar RZ encoding, wireless baseband transmission, near field, high-data rate, small size antenna, ultra-wide band, UWB, Antipodal Vivaldi antenna, Monopole antenna, superconducting electronics, RSFQ
Members of  jury :
  • Pascal XAVIER, Professor at the University Grenoble- Alpes : President
  • Pascal FEBVRE, Assistant professor at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc : Supervisor
  • Matthieu CHATRAS, Professor at the University of Limoges : Reviewer
  • Emanuel RADOI, Professor at the University of de Brittany : Reviewer
  • Faouzi BOUSSAHA, Ingénieur de recherche à l'Observatoire de Paris : Examiner
  • Gilles SICARD, Senior scientist at CEA Grenoble :Examiner


Thesis prepared in the laboratory : UMR 5130 - IMEP-LAHC (Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme, Photonique – Laboratoire Hyperfréquences et Caractérisation)  supervised by  M.Pascal FEBVRE , supervisor.

Date infos
Thesis defense of Furat ABAYAJE, for a doctoral thesis of the University of Grenoble Alps, speciality "NANO ELECTRONICS ET NANO TECHNOLOGIES ", entitled:

Location infos
 Amphi Pôle Montagne- University Savoie Mont-Blanc
Campus scientifique du Bourget-du-Lac
73370-Le Bourget-du-Lac