CROMA_rubrique-evenement 2022

PhD defense of Mrs AKRA Mirna

Compact RF planar filters-Improvement of the out-of-band rejection and tunabiliity
Tuesday March 18, 2014 at 10:45

Abstract :
The purpose of this work was to develop RF bandpass filters in PCB technology, with three main objectives. The first objective was to develop synthesis formulas to simplify the design procedure of the filter. The second was to achieve wide out-of-band rejection without modifying the in-band filtering characteristics. The third objective was to control the center frequency of the filter by using varactor diode. The bandpass filter topology treated in this thesis is based on Stub-Loaded Resonators (SLR).

M. Fransisco MEDINA Professor, University of Seville (Spain), Examiner
M. Cédric QUENDO Professor,Western  University of Brittany , Reporter
M. Gaëtan PRIGENT Assistant professor  HDR, ENSEEIHT Toulouse, Reporter
M. Soubhi ABOU CHAHINE Professor, Arab University of Beirut (Lebanon), Reporter
M. Philippe FERRARI Professor, University Joseph Fourrier, Grenoble, Supervisor
M. Akil JRAD Professeur,Lebanese University, Tripoli (Lebanon), Co-supervisor
M. Emmanuel PISTONO Assistant professor, University Joseph Fourrier, Grenoble,


Thesis prepared in the IMEP-LAHC laboratory and the LaSTRe  Laboratoiry supervised by M. FERRARI Philippe and  co-supervised by  M. JRAD Akil and M. PISTONO.

Date infos
Defense of a doctoral thesis of  Mrs Akra MIRNA for the University of Grenoble, specialty Optical and  Radiofrequency entitled:
Location infos
 Amphitheater  Gosse hallway  C, Ground floor
46 Avenue Felix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex 1


Mr Philippe FERRARI
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