In order to guarantee a high quality of tuition and accomodation, the number of participants is limited . Online registration may be closed at any time
Your registration is fully confirmed only receipt of your payement by MIGAS office
REGISTRATION FEES : - PhD student: 600€ (reduced fee/grant: 300€)
- Academic: 900€
- Industry: 1800€
Registration fees includes tuition, paper and electronic copy of the slides, social events and complete acomodation (single roorm, breakfast, lunch, diner ) during the school period (Saturday 22th June 16:00/ Friday 28th 14:00)
Extra fees accompanying persons are not included:
- Full pension rate 74€ per person directly payable to the hotel
- Gala dinner June 26th : about 60€ directly payable to the hotel
(1) Payment by bank transfer
If you pay by bank transfer, please do not forget:
- include an evidence of your payment when sending back this registration form (order form, bank receipt, purchase order )
- add 25€ for a transfer from out of France
- our bank references are:
holder : grenoble INP, 46 avenue Felix Viallet, 38000 Grenoble cedex France
bank: Trésorerie générale de l'Isère, 8 rue de Belgrade, 38022 Grenoble cedex, france
IBAN:FR 76 1007 1380 0000 0010 0014 111-SWIFT : BDFEFRPPXXX - mention "IMEP-MIGAS'13
You can pay by credit card now, by completing this form , and sending it by Fax to:
+ 33 4 56 52 95 01