CROMA_rubrique-evenement 2022

Registration MIGAS '13-16th session

Micro & Nano Technologies for Microwave and Photonic Devices 22th -28th June 2013 - AUTRANS - GRENOBLE, France

In order to guarantee a high quality of tuition and accomodation, the number of participants is limited . Online registration may be closed at any time
Your registration is fully confirmed only receipt of your payement by MIGAS office
REGISTRATION FEES :    - PhD student: 600€ (reduced fee/grant: 300€)
  - Academic: 900€
  - Industry: 1800€
Registration fees includes tuition, paper and electronic copy of the slides, social events and complete acomodation (single roorm, breakfast, lunch, diner ) during the school period (Saturday 22th June 16:00/ Friday 28th 14:00)
Extra fees accompanying persons are not included:
  •  Full pension rate 74€  per person directly payable to the hotel
  • Gala dinner June 26th : about 60€ directly payable  to the hotel

Gender (*)

You have already participed to a Migas Summer (*)

Poster Presentation (strongly recommended for PhD students) (*)

Late registration (*)

If accompagned, you wish

Visit of Minatec - June 26 afiternoon

Visit of Choranches caves -June 23 morning


enter the word in the caption

The information collected via this form will be used exclusively by the authorised departments of Grenoble INP - UGA and stored for the length of time needed to process your request. Learn more about data protection and your rights.

 (1) Payment by bank transfer
 If you pay by bank transfer, please do not forget:
  1. include an evidence of your payment when sending back this registration form (order form, bank receipt, purchase order ) 
  2. add 25€ for a transfer from out of France
  3. our bank references are:
    holder : grenoble INP, 46 avenue Felix Viallet, 38000 Grenoble cedex France
    bank: Trésorerie générale de l'Isère, 8 rue de Belgrade, 38022 Grenoble cedex, france
    IBAN:FR 76 1007 1380 0000 0010 0014 111-SWIFT : BDFEFRPPXXX
  4. mention "IMEP-MIGAS'13
 (2) Payment by VISA Card
You can pay by credit card now, by completing this form , and sending it by Fax to:
 + 33 4 56 52 95 01


+ 33(0)456 529 527 +33(0)456 529 501   

MIGAS Office, IMEP/LAHC-Grenoble INP         
3 rue Parvis Louis Néel CS 50257
38016 Grenoble Cédex1-FRANCE