Seminar of Giovanni RAMIREZ-CHAVARRIA

“An alternative approach for bioimpedance measurements and data analysis”
Monday, April 1st, 2019  from 14:00 to 15:00

This talk discusses an alternative framework for electrical impedance measurement and parametric estimation as a powerful tool to characterize biological media. The experimental setup for data acquisition uses high-throughput electronics and a fast-time and wideband signal as the input. The data analysis problem is formulated in a model-based approach, it transforms the frequency-domain estimation problem into a time constant domain estimation problem through the distribution of relaxation times (DRT) model. For the existence of a numerical solution, the DRT model is posed in a regularized least squares (RLS) form. The proposed methodology is first validated in numerical simulations and afterwards applied for ex-vivo biological tissue characterization and microcolloid concentration sensing. Results show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques for spectral bioimpedance analysis.

Giovanni RAMIREZ received the Master and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), in 2015 and 2019, respectively. His
dissertation was focused on alternative techniques for addressing the Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy technique, from modeling to experiment. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses as well as supervises final degree projects. His main research interests are in the field of instrumentation and sensors, microdevices, system identification, and signal processing, in a broad range of applications. G.Ramírez is currently in post-doctoral position at UNAM.


(Institute of Engineering, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México -UNAM)
Date infos
Open to all : teachers, students, researchers, administrative, technicians
Location infos
3 rue parvis Louis Néel CS50257
38016 Grenoble Cedex1