He joined LPCS (Laboratory of Physics of Semiconductor Devices), Grenoble INP, in 1982, where he has been involved in research on the study, characterization, modeling, and simulation of the first fully depleted and multi-gates silicon-on-insulator MOS transistors.
He became Chargé de Recherche C.N.R.S. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in 1985 and Directeur de Recherche CNRS in 2000. In 1993-94, he joined the Research Center for Integrated Systems at Hiroshima University as a visiting researcher, and worked on sub-0.1 µm MOSFETs and thin film SIMOX devices.
He led several research teams on Deep submicron CMOS, Silicon On Insulator devices, Ultimate Si-based devices realized with innovating architectures, Low Temperature Electronics, Advanced bipolar transistors for BiCMOS technology, Beyond-CMOS, Ultra-low Power Electronics and Novel Functionalities (Nanosensors, Energy Harvesting using nanostructures, etc.). He has supervised 30 research projects, including 12 European projects, and 30 Ph.D.
F. Balestra has been Director of IMEP (Institute of Microelectronics, Electromagnetism and Photonics) and previously from LPCS for a total of 10 years. He has also been Director of the Sinano Institute (23 members from 12 European countries) devoted to the coordination of the research activities of the European academic community in the nanoelectronic field. He has coordinated European, National and Regional projects. Within FP6 and FP7, he coordinated the Sinano, Nanosil and Nanofunction Networks of Excellence (NoE) in the fields of More Moore, More than Moore and Beyond-CMOS that have represented unprecedented collaborations in Europe in the field of nanoelectronics.
He is presently coordinating the H2020 NEREID Coordination and Support Action devoted to Nanoelectronics roadmapping in the field of Advanced Logic & Connectivity, Beyond-CMOS, Smart Sensing and Smart Energy, System Design and Heterogeneous Integration, Equipments and Manufacturing Science.
He founded (ULIS, WOLTE) and was the organizer of several international Conferences in the fields of Nanoscale devices, Silicon-On-Insulator structures and Low Temperature Electronics, and many international Workshops and Summer Schools.
He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences, of the Advisory Committee of the Chinese Journal of Semiconductors and Chinese Physics B and received the Blondel Medal (French SEE) in 2001. He is Editor in Chief of the new ISTE OpenScience Journal entitled “Nanoelectronics Devices”. He is also member of the European AENEAS Scientific Council, ENI2 Steering Committee and several European Working Groups.
Francis Balestra is presently Vice President in charge of European activities of Grenoble INP. He has also been involved in the evaluation of European Projects (H2020, FP7) and of Projects submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation.
F. Balestra has coauthored over 140 publications in international scientific journals, 270 communications at international conferences (more than 90 invited papers and review articles), and 30 books or chapters.
He became Chargé de Recherche C.N.R.S. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in 1985 and Directeur de Recherche CNRS in 2000. In 1993-94, he joined the Research Center for Integrated Systems at Hiroshima University as a visiting researcher, and worked on sub-0.1 µm MOSFETs and thin film SIMOX devices.
He led several research teams on Deep submicron CMOS, Silicon On Insulator devices, Ultimate Si-based devices realized with innovating architectures, Low Temperature Electronics, Advanced bipolar transistors for BiCMOS technology, Beyond-CMOS, Ultra-low Power Electronics and Novel Functionalities (Nanosensors, Energy Harvesting using nanostructures, etc.). He has supervised 30 research projects, including 12 European projects, and 30 Ph.D.
F. Balestra has been Director of IMEP (Institute of Microelectronics, Electromagnetism and Photonics) and previously from LPCS for a total of 10 years. He has also been Director of the Sinano Institute (23 members from 12 European countries) devoted to the coordination of the research activities of the European academic community in the nanoelectronic field. He has coordinated European, National and Regional projects. Within FP6 and FP7, he coordinated the Sinano, Nanosil and Nanofunction Networks of Excellence (NoE) in the fields of More Moore, More than Moore and Beyond-CMOS that have represented unprecedented collaborations in Europe in the field of nanoelectronics.
He is presently coordinating the H2020 NEREID Coordination and Support Action devoted to Nanoelectronics roadmapping in the field of Advanced Logic & Connectivity, Beyond-CMOS, Smart Sensing and Smart Energy, System Design and Heterogeneous Integration, Equipments and Manufacturing Science.
He founded (ULIS, WOLTE) and was the organizer of several international Conferences in the fields of Nanoscale devices, Silicon-On-Insulator structures and Low Temperature Electronics, and many international Workshops and Summer Schools.
He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences, of the Advisory Committee of the Chinese Journal of Semiconductors and Chinese Physics B and received the Blondel Medal (French SEE) in 2001. He is Editor in Chief of the new ISTE OpenScience Journal entitled “Nanoelectronics Devices”. He is also member of the European AENEAS Scientific Council, ENI2 Steering Committee and several European Working Groups.
Francis Balestra is presently Vice President in charge of European activities of Grenoble INP. He has also been involved in the evaluation of European Projects (H2020, FP7) and of Projects submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation.
F. Balestra has coauthored over 140 publications in international scientific journals, 270 communications at international conferences (more than 90 invited papers and review articles), and 30 books or chapters.
Date infos
Francis Balestra (francis.balestra@grenoble-inp.fr) was born in Digne, France, in 1960. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics from the Institut Polytechnique, Grenoble, France, in 1982 and 1985, respectively. In 1989, he obtained the Habilitation diploma from Grenoble INP authorizing him to supervise PhD dissertations.
M. Francis Balestra
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