Tan Phu VUONG, Deputy Head of RFM group

Deputy Head of RFM Group: Tan Phu VUONG

Tan Phu Vuong was born in Saigon, Vietnam. He received the M. Sc. Degree in Microwave and Optical Engineering in 1996 and the Léopold Escand award for his Ph. D. degree from “Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse” (INPT), France, in 1999.
From 1999 to 2001, he was an Assistant Research Scientist and Teaching Assistant at Electrical Engineering Department, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. September, 2001 to August, 2008, he was an Associate Professor in microwave and wireless systems at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Systèmes Avancés et Réseaux (ESISAR), Grenoble, INP, France. From 2006 to September, 2008, he was the head of the research team dedicated to Optical and Radiofrequency Systems (ORSYS), LCIS laboratory, INP, Grenoble, France. His research interests include modeling of passive microwave and millimeterwave integrated circuits by integral equations formulation and variational approaches. Currently, his research activities include design of small antennas and printed antennas for mobile, RFID and UWB system. Since September, 2008, he is a Professor at the Grenoble Institute of Technology, France, and he continues his research at Institute of Microelectronics Electromagnetism and Photonic (IMEP, IMEP-LAHC since 2007). His main research interest concerns design and miniaturized devices of wireless and sensor, such as Antenna, RFID, and Smart Paper. He is author or co-author about 100 papers published in international journals or conferences. He is an IEEE senior member, a VP IEEE France section. Contact : Tan Phu VUONG