CROMA-rubrique-presentation 2022

Microelectronics, electromagnetism, photonics, microwave Laboratory-version 2022


The Institut de Microélectronique Electromagnétisme Photonique & LAboratoire d'Hyperfréquences & de Caractérisation, IMEP-LaHC, is a « unité mixte de recherche » (CNRS / Grenoble INP / UGA / Université Savoie Mont Blanc) of 110 people strongly committed in research activities related to micro- and nano-electronics, microphotonics, micro- and nano-systems, microwaves and microwave-photonics.

The laboratory is settled over two sites : Grenoble-Minatec (38) and  Le Bourget du Lac (73).
Director :
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Grenoble site contacts

Fax: 04 56 52 95 01
  • Secretary
Tel : 04 56 52 95 00

Chambéry site contacts

  • Secretary
DOS REIS Fernanda
Tel: 04 79 75 84 73

Useful links

Start-up LICHENS

Lichens is a company founded in March 2021.The company aims at improving mobile communication indoors.Thermal insulation glass is now widely used for new constructions and for renovation.The Lichens solution is an adhesive film printed with conductive motifs, applied on the windows.This technology is a patented innovation of IMEP-LaHC and the product’s commercial release is slated for 2022 .

DAMP probe

The Linksium DAMP project (Device for the  Analysis of Materials Profiles) developed in IMEP-LaHC is now in a marketing phase.
The device consists of a multisensors RF probe for the measurement of stratified media physical properties with a specialized software and database.
The target markets are precision farming and snowpack monitoring.

Vidéo de présentation de l'instrument Presentation of the instrument
Contact: Pascal XAVIER

Nokia Foundation Distinguished Chair


THINGSAT is a space communication device that allows to communicate at very low rate and very low energy cost with isolated objects.
Implemented by a consortium including CSUG, LIG, IMEP-LAHC (for the antenna design), Paul Emile Victor Institute, University of Polynesia and private companies (Air Liquide, Gorgy Timing, etc) .
It was developed in only one year, put into orbit by SpaceX rocket on January 13, 2022, and placed in a polar orbit at an altitude of about 500 km .
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