2D materials: An introduction

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 at 10am 
Abstract :

Since the discovery of graphene in 2004, this two-dimensional atomic-thick material has attracted much attention for fundamental and applied research thanks to its exceptional mechanical and electronic properties. Shortly after, a plethora of different 2D materials were predicted and fabricated, thus opening up a Pandora box of new physics and applications.

After a brief historical introduction on graphene and a review of its fabrication techniques, I will illustrate its main electronic properties at low energy, as the linear band dispersion, the strict relation with the Dirac equation for massless particles and the role of spin-orbit coupling. Then, I will discuss some selected classes of other 2D materials, in particular X-enes and transition metal dichalcogenides. Their properties will be contrasted with those of graphene. Finally, I will give an overview of the most promising potential and real applications of 2D materials.


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