HDR "Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches " DEFENSE of Cédric BERMOND

Characterization and modeling of passive components and dielectric materials for integrated circuits
Tuesday, july 4, 2023 at 10am
Keywords :
Microwaves, modeling, interconnections, dielectrics, integrated passive components, in-situ tests

The research work is positioned at the convergence of microwave issues and recent or future technological developments in electronics and advanced microelectronics. This work focuses on the evaluation of new technological building blocks (combining the aspects of materials, integration processes and design rules) for very demanding
applications in terms of performance, i.e. operating at very high speed or high frequencies and low power consumption.
A first research axis is focused on 3D integration and has led to the evaluation of crosstalk levels over a wide frequency range (up to 40 GHz) between the TSV and the transistors, using experimental and modeling techniques.
A second research axis aims at obtaining the electrical characteristics of the dielectrics over a very wide frequency range, from DC to several tens of gigahertz, in in-situ configuration, i.e. in thin films (a few nm) and with the same integration processes as in the final MIM component. The last axis consists in modeling new capacitive components integrated in the
interconnection network or in interposer, taking into account the material and geometrical parameters in order to know the parasitic effects. These research works are turned towards the industrial world and are carried out in collaboration with large national laboratories having important technological means. These main industrial partners are STMicroelectronics
but also research laboratories (CEA-LETI, LTM, LabSticc,...).

Jury members :
  • Jean Pierre RASKIN :  Reviewer
  • Bruno SAUVIAC: Member
  • Sonia DELMAS BEN DHIA : Reviewer
  • Bernard FLECHET : Member
  • Vincent LAUR : Reviewer
  • Serge VERDEYME : President

Date infos
Defense of the application " Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" from the Doctoral College of the University of Savoie Mont-Blanc by Cédric BERMOND entitled:
Location infos
Amphi Pôle Montagne
 Rue Lac de la Thuile,
73370 Le Bourget du Lac