DESIRE4EU Kick-Off Meeting

DESIRE4EU : Launch of the new project: DESIgning and REcycling sustainable Electronic boards for an EUropean circular economy
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DESIRE4EU as a pioneer of sustainable electronics through fully circular bio-based printed circuit boards.

Driven by the goal of revolutionising the electronics industry, the DESIRE4EU project is set to launch a new era of sustainability with the development of fully circular, bio-based printed circuit boards (PCBs). The ambitious project is led by a consortium of eight leading academicand private partners in five European countries and it aims to transform the way electronic boards are produced, used and recycled.

Indeed, DESIRE4EU’s innovative approach focuses on creating PCBs that are not only industrially credible but also environmentally friendly. The project plans to incorporate bio- based and biodegradable materials to significantly cut down on harmful waste and improve the recovery of critical metals like copper by 2030. To this end, DESIRE4EU set several objectives to reach:
  1. The complete assembly of a technology compliant bio-based multilayer PCB
  2. An environmentally friendly and time-efficient bioleaching process
  3. A circular by design approach, materialized by guidelines for further uptake
  4. An advanced, cost-effective but large proof of concept attracting 2000 – 5000 students, responsible citizens and industries, from learners to prosumers
Under the leadership of GINP and Professor P. Xavier, the project brings together expertise in material science, green chemistry, electronics, and environmental microbiology. This interdisciplinary approach ensures that DESIRE4EU not only addresses the immediate environmental challenges but also sets new standards for the electronics value chain.

Among the main significant impacts, the project is designed to reduce in greenhouse gas emissions, water toxicity and the depletion of non-renewable resources; to enhance university curricula and engage several students and professionals in green electronics; to encourage at least 10 companies to adopt new technologies and practices for sustainable electronics.

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On 19th and 20th September, the Consortium has spent two days to discuss the launch of this challenging project!
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