PhD defense of Maxime WAWRZYNIAK

Development of Innovative and Transparent Radio frequency devices based on Nanocelluloses Silver Nanowires hybrid system
Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 1:30 pm

Abstract :
The growing interest for telecommunications has continuously increased during the last decade, including the fields of Internet of Things (IoT), smart building and smart packaging. These new devices require specific feature such as flexibility and optical transparency to improve their integration in the end-use product. This thesis consists in developing transparent and passives radio-frequencies devices by printing process like screen-printing. To achieve this goal, three strategies are proposed. The first strategy consists to open the design of the antenna, also called meshing, to let the light pass through the patterned antenna. The impact of the opened pitch inside the meshing has also been assessed in regards with optical transparency and RF properties using CoPlanar Waveguides (CPW) antennas. The second strategy has been focused on the development of an innovative transparent conductive ink. The development of a new ink based on silver nanowires and nanocellulose has then been led and a new formula has been produced for screen-printing process. A sheet resistance of 2 Ω.sq-1 for an optical transparency of 72%, which meet the criteria to develop transparent and efficient RF antennas has successfully been achieved. The third strategy combines the two previous strategies. These promising and successful strategies thus open new perspectives for the smart packaging and smart building.

Jury members :
  • Mr Tan Phu VUONG,PROFESSOR OF UNIVERSITIES, Grenoble INP-Phelma : Supervisor
  • Mr Xavier CASTEL, PROFESSOR OF UNIVERSITIES, Rennes 1 University  : Reviewer
  • Mrs Evangéline BENEVENT, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Aix-Marseille University : Reviewer
  • Mr Ke WU, PROFESSOR OF UNIVERSITIES, School Polytechnique Montreal : Examiner
  • Mr Yves GROHENS, PROFESSOR OF UNIVERSITIES, South Brittany University : Examiner
  • Mr Dominique RAULY, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Grenoble Alpes University : Examiner
  • Mr Julien BRAS, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Grenoble INP-Pagora, Co-supervisor: Guest
  • Mrs Aurore DENNEULIN, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Grenoble INP-Pagora, Co-supervisor : Guest
  • Mrs Erika VANDELLE,PhD, Thalès: Guest
  • Mr Gaël DEPRES, PhD, Arjowiggins :Guest


Thesis prepared at the laboratory : UMR 5130 - Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique - Laboratoire d'hyperfréquences et de caractérisation, supervised by  Pr. Tân-Phu VUONG, supervisor.
Date infos
Defense of doctoral thesis of  Maxime WAWRZYNIAK , for the University Grenoble Alpes, speciality  " OPTIC & RADIOFREQUENCIES ", entitled:
Location infos
Amphi Z108  Phelma / Minatec
3 Parvis Louis Néel 
38000 Grenoble.